Monday 23 January 2012

Comparative Vertebrate Post

The Digestive System:

The digestive system is the chemical breakdown of food into smaller components that are more easily absorbed into the blood stream.

Rat Digestive System

As humans we have similarities to the rat digestive system. They are listed as the following:

Three main areas of digestive system: salivary glands, oral cavity and the abdominal cavity.

There are also differences between Rat and human digestive system:

We as humans have gall bladder and rats don't. Rats instead have a bile duct which is formed with tubes to the liver.

Below is a picture of my rat dissection, it shows parts of the digestive system.
View photo.JPG in slide show

Respiratory System
The respiratory system of rat and human are very similar except for a few minor differences. They both use the system to exchange carbon dioxide and air.

four chambered heart,
Rats hearts take more breaths per minute than humans because their hearts beat faster.

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