Monday 12 December 2011

What I Learned Today: Animal Sort Into Animal Tree

Animal sort into animal tree is sorting out the chordata for each different type of animal. The animals that were giving were the following:
  • Snake, Osteichthyes, Silkworm Cocoon, Octopus, Nectures, Peziza, Katharina Tunicta, Hermit Crab, Seahorse, Reptile, Spider, Mopila Mucosa and Coonstripe Shrimp.
Each animal goes into a different Phylum classification.

Phylum Chordata: Snake, Osteichthyes, Seahorse, Reptile, Necture (Phylum Chordatas are vertebratse)

Arthropoda: Silkworm Cocoon, Spider, Hermit Crab, Coonstripe Shrimp (Arthropoda have joined ependages)

Mollusca: Octopus, Mopalia, Katharina Tunicta ( Mollusca is marine animals )

Ascomycota: Peiza (Sub kingdom of fungi)

Below is a simple picture of the Animal Phylum tree:

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